Our Philosophy

Ngā Kaupapa / Our Philosophy

Management and kaiako at Ferrymead Preschool & Nursery strive to provide the best quality, holistic early education service grounded in warm, trusting and respectful relationships. We enact our primary values of manaakitanga/respect, aroha/love and atawhai/kindness. We view these values as the foundation of a healthy and safe learning environment. 

Authentic partnership and collaboration between kaiako and whānau is a priority and ensures the aspirations of parents and whānau are a critical part of our teaching considerations. We aim to ensure that whānau of every background, culture and identity feel welcome and develop a sense of belonging with us. We acknowledge and value the partnership inherent in Te Tiriti o Waitangi and are committed to nurturing te reo me ngā tikanga Māori and providing the opportunity for all children to value our shared heritage. 

We understand and have confidence in ‘play’ as the most profound tool for learning. We plan specific play experiences for all tamariki, we design the learning environment and select resources to ensure opportunities that support each child’s individual and unique learning within the structure of secure, unhurried routines and rhythms of our day together. Our kaiako value a homelike setting, where play, fun and challenge go hand in hand to extend learning. We celebrate imagination and nurture exploration within a curriculum where we say ‘yes’ to trying new things.

Kaiako at Ferrymead Preschool and Nursery recognise their influence as role models and the importance of children witnessing healthy adult relationships. With this in mind we bring the joy to work, value collaboration, contribution and we act as compassionate colleagues. We understand children learn from what they see and nurturing healthy social and emotional development and learning is a primary concern within our centre. Kaiako offer consistent, patient guidance as they encourage and support children’s growing use of language, increasing social capability and cultural identity. To compliment and consolidate this learning we ensure an inclusive context where all children are empowered to make choices and decisions regarding their participation and experiences.

We maintain an ongoing commitment to tamariki and will provide unbiased, child focused services, advocate for our youngest citizens, listen and always aim for improvement in our professional provision and practices.

We particularly acknowledge the socio-cultural theoretical perspectives of Lev Vygotsky and Uri Bronfenbrenner, Mary Ainsworth’s attachment concepts, Erik Erikson’s lifespan theory and the pedagogical guidance of Magda Gerber, Emmi Pikler and RIE. This kaupapa is underpinned by the view that all children bring their own sense of mana and wairua and are competent learners, have the right to learn, the right to peace and the right to loving and supportive adults in their lives.